Endermotherapy Muscle Therapy
Endermotherapy Clinic in Naperville, Illinois
Endermotherapy treatment was designed specifically with the chiropractic philosophy in mind, embracing the holistic concept that your optimal health relies upon the preservation of body processes and the unified functioning of all bodily systems.
Two electronically controlled, motorized rollers, located in an airtight treatment chamber, are operated in combination with aspiration. Applied to the human body, it forms a ‘wave’ that folds and unfolds the tissue, producing a three-dimensional treatment.
Internationally recognized, Endermotherapy treats the connective tissue at a cellular level. Fibroblasts, the blood and lymphatic systems, fascia, aponeurosis, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons can all be treated at different modalities.
Depending on the connective tissue dysfunction and therapeutic objective, a pre-set program is selected and specific maneuvers/protocols are applied to gently treat, transform and optimize the body’s connective tissue.