Cervical Decompression – Non Surgical Treatment Neck Pain, Radiculopathy, Headaches & Disc Problems!
Cervical Decompression Clinic in Naperville, Illinois
Cervical Decompression uses patented Breakthrough proprietary technology to gently separate the two main bones of the knee join in order to reduce pain, increase function and promote tissue healing. Gentle separation of the joint space between the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone) creates a vacuum effect inside the knee joint which brigs more nutrient-rich fluid to the area. This targeted stretching and pumping action also stretches the tendons, ligaments and other soft tissues around the joint. This combined effect helps to re-establish some of the natural joint space and cushioning to the knee. In most cases, patients start to notice a difference after just one session.
Disc problems are commonly associated with neck pain that can shoot into the arms and hands. The amount of disc bulging or herniation will determine if your condition will respond to conservative care or if surgery is recommended.
Spinal decompression has proven to be successful in treating and helping disc-related problems. Disc bulges do not show up on x-ray, an MRI would be needed to diagnosis the severity of this condition. However, we can determine if you have disc-related back pain with our examination.
Even patients that have already had surgical decompression may still benefit from non-surgical spinal decompression therapy. It’s not too late if you’ve already had spinal fusion as long as your surgically-fused spinal segment is stable. We recommend waiting at least 1 year post-surgery before seeking out spinal decompression therapy.
We will perform an examination and take any necessary x-rays to determine that your spinal is stable enough to receive spinal decompression therapy.
The joints at the back of the vertebra are called facet joints and they can become worn and irritated throughout your life. When the pain comes from these joints, it’s referred to as Facet Syndrome. The most common treatment for this involves facet joint injections and steroids.
Spinal decompression therapy along with chiropractic care has been shown to deliver great results in dealing with this painful and frustrating condition.
Pressure on the spinal nerves can also cause headaches. Removing the pressure and nerve irritation can help give relief to headache sufferers along with other treatments such as laser, massage acupuncture and other combinations of therapy.
Radiculopathy is irritation to the nerves exiting the spine, caused by “wear and tear” or degeneration of the spinal discs. The nerve irritation will cause symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness down the affected nerve root.
Patients suffering from radiculopathy respond well to conservative care in most cases. Care includes chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression therapy, electrical stimulation, and home care stretches and exercises. Most patients will notice relief within a few weeks of starting care.
Spinal discs will continue to degenerate if untreated. Introducing mobility to the spine through the adjustment and “rehydrate” the disc. The decompression treatment allows the space to increase and take pressure off of the irritated nerve. Our decompression includes side-to-side movement, which allows us to specifically treat one side at a time, if needed.
Spinal stenosis involves a narrowing of the openings in your spine, creating pressure on the nerves and spinal cord. While some patients may not have symptoms, others experience pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling in the upper extremities.
If you’re already been diagnosed with spinal stenosis in your cervical pine, it’s very important that you build up the strength of your spinal muscles and maintain as much mobility of the spine as possible. Chiropractic care along with spinal decompression therapy will help alleviate the pain and stiffness associated with this condition.
Left untreated, spinal stenosis can become a surgical procedure. The surgery includes removal of a portion of the thickened ligament at the back of your spine. Taking action as soon as you notice symptoms is critical in the type of results you can expect. Spinal stenosis will not go away, but you can see improvement in range of motion and severity of symptoms.